Troca de saberes e fazeres na Feira da Agricultura Familiar no campus de Abaetetuba/UFPA e sua contribuição no ensino de Agroecologia e Educação do Campo.


  • Joseline Barreto Trindade UFPA
  • Jocilene Costa da Silva AMQG
  • Maurila Santos Freitas AMQG
  • Vera Luz Santos
  • Jocileia C. Silva
  • Vera L. F. Silva
  • Leide M. Ribeiro
  • Marisete C. Batista
  • Ingrid Cardoso UFPA
  • Adriele Silva
  • Enilda Vasconcelos


circuitos curtos de comercialização, saberes agroecológicos, ensino-aprendizagem




The extension program “Short commercialization circuits: territory enhancement, local fairs and organization of women farmers in Abaetetuba” is linked to the Faculty of Training and Development of the Countryside (FADECAM) which has two undergraduate programs: Degree in Rural Education  (Ledoc) and Technology in Agroecology.  This extension program has three main areas: i) the organization and management of the family farming fair on the Abaetetuba campus;  ii) training on marketing, the production chain of organic foods, and visual identity;  iii) and, finally, the strengthening of ties between the university and the farmers of the quilombola territories of Baixo Tocantins.  Our objective in this work is to indicate some elements of our experience in the implementation of the Family Agriculture Fair (FAF) on the UFPA campus in Abaetetuba, seeking to discuss the articulation of extension and research activities that can be produced with the realization of the FAF and its impact on the teaching of Agroecology and Education courses at Fadecam.


Keywords: local faris circuits;  agroecological knowledge;  teaching-learning processes in agroecology


