Germination and Initial Development of Vetch (Vicia sativa l.) Seedlings Submitted to Treatment with Gibberellic Acid and its Dynamized Derivatives


  • Maicon Schmoeller SOETHE Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Gisele Fernanda Mouro Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Lucas Rodrigues de Oliveira Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Thaís Fernanda de Souza Monteiro Schultz Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Fernanda Engel Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR


GA3 hormone, Green manure, Homeopathy, Seeds


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of homeopathic medicines elaborated from the dynamization of gibberellic acid in the initial development of forage species vetch (Vicia sativa l.). The treatments used were gibberellic acid diluted in distilled water (concentration 0.1%) and in dynamizations 1CH, 3CH, 6CH, 9CH and 12CH) in the initial development of vetch. The seeds received treatments in soaking water for two hours. From this point on, two tests were carried out: the germination speed index and the germination test, using Germitest® paper sheets as substrate. The dynamized gibberellic acid derivatives did not show significant differences in the development of vetch seedlings, having an effect only when diluted at a concentration of 0.1%.





AGROECOL - Saúde, Agroecologia e Homeopatia