Spatial Distribution of Urban Gardens in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul
Urban agriculture, food safety, spatialization, sustainability, agroecologyAbstract
This work aims to catalog, map and analyze the spatial distribution of urban
gardens in the municipality of Campo Grande (MS). The methodology used was qualitative
and involved a bibliographic review on the proposed theme, documentary analysis and
survey, cataloguing and mapping of urban gardens in Campo Grande (MS). The results
indicate that the urban gardens of Campo Grande are spatially decentralized, practiced in
peripheral spaces weakened by poverty, in line with the objectives of the Municipal Plan for
Urban Agriculture. This is explained by the value of urban land and the greater ease of areas
available for production, with the possibility of generating employment and income for the
population, production of food of differentiated quality, through agroecological systems,
environmental and human health valorization, community strengthening and recovery of
knowledge about plants. Of the seven urban regions of Campo Grande, six have vegetable
gardens. Among the neighborhoods, São Conrrado, Los Angeles, Mata do Segredo and
Chácara dos Poderes.
Copyright (c) 2024 enzo lopes, ana paula de araujo correia, ana maria de souza mello bicalho

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