Implementation of an Agroecological Unit in the Bororó Indigenous Reserve in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul State


  • Ronaldo Alves de Oliveira UFGD
  • Arieli Oliveira Cabreira UFGD
  • Elizamara Cabreira Martins UFGD
  • Noemia Melo UFGD
  • Joelson Gonçalves Pereira UFGD


Agroecology, environmental management, sustentable development, income generation


This project is carried out by academics from the Environmental Management course at UFGD, as an evaluation activity of Integrated Projects in Environmental Management 1, whose program content is developed as a university extension action on agroecology and ethnodevelopment of Guarani/Kaiowá indigenous communities, in Dourados - MS, the implementation of an Agroecological Unit in the Agroforestry System model in a 1 ha family area. The activities were conducted using participatory process methodology, in a family joint effort system, especially in the soil preparation and planting stages. As a result, a SAF was implemented using 57 seedlings of fruit and native species. As a result of the action, it is expected that there will be incentives for production to feed the members of the indigenous family, as well as commercialization, in order to guarantee the maintenance of the system. By the end of 2025, the expectation is that at least ten agroforests will be implemented within the indigenous reserve.





AGROECOL - Sistemas Agroflorestais de Base Agroecológica