“Green Tic Tac Toe”: educating for sustainability and environmental awareness


  • Maria Helena Souza Soares Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4615-0042
  • Lauane de Barros Muniz Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Karina Ocampo Cavallaro Righi Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Lívia Maria de Almeida Chita Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Maria Laura Gomes Batista Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul


Environmental Education, Environmental development, Serious games, Tic-tac-toe


The creation of an environmentally themed tic-tac-toe game sought to promote awareness and learning about sustainability in a fun and interactive way. This project sought to stimulate players' critical thinking about environmental preservation, encouraging sustainable decisions based on simulated challenges. The game was structured with questions that address environmental practices and dilemmas, instigating individual and group reflection, in addition to fostering collaboration among participants. Methodologically, the game divides players into teams that answer questions to earn points, and is led by a narrator who guides the flow of the activity. By proposing real scenarios and problems, the game encourages players to adopt more conscious attitudes about topics such as resource use and environmental impact. The results indicate that participants, when interacting with the proposed challenges, show greater engagement and understanding of sustainability. This work contributes to agroecology by promoting awareness about sustainable practices and the responsible use of resources. Through a fun and educational approach, the game stimulates reflections and conscious decisions, aligned with the principles of sustainability and environmental preservation.





AGROECOL - Uso e Conservação dos Recursos Naturais