Green Connection

Community Garden of the Ouro Preto Neighborhood


  • Manoel Antônio de Andrade Barbosa Nogueira Universidade Federal de Mato grosso do Sul
  • Raquel Pires CAMPO Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Ana Paula ARAÚJO Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Karina Ocampo Righi-Cavallaro Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Luiz Miguel RENDA


sustainable agriculture, Agroecological Production, Community Development, Food Security


The community garden project, launched in October 2023 by the Ouro Preto Neighborhood Association (AMOP) in partnership with UFMS and Energisa, aims to promote food security, sustainability, and social development in the local community. The garden produces vegetables, cassava, corn, as well as crotalaria and pigeon pea for seed production. The products are sold to reinvest in the garden, with community members actively participating in planting, harvesting, and maintenance activities. The project was planned through meetings with community members and experts from various institutions. The initial diagnosis showed high acceptance, with 71 participants, and the sales contribute to the garden's autonomy. Energisa supports the project by providing infrastructure and resources such as tools and irrigation. Results include improved food security, strengthened local organization, and a sustainable agroecological production model. The project is also innovative in integrating university extension, a partnership with Energisa, and the community. It offers courses and can be replicated in other areas, benefiting family farmers and rural communities with income generation and access to healthy food. Strengthening urban agriculture is one of the project’s key legacies.





AGROECOL - Desenvolvimento territorial em bases agroecológicas