Agroforestry System in Small Areas: Food Production, Water, Diversity, and Income in the Olga Benário Settlement


  • Alberto Feiden Embrapa Pantanal, MS, PPGDRS-Unioeste, PR
  • Allan Denizzard Limeira Coutinho Central das Cooperativas da reforma agrária- CCA
  • Marcia da Luz Leal Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná


agroforestry systems, food security, sustainable agriculture, family income, rural development.


This study explores the implementation of agroforestry systems (SAFs) at the Olga Benário land reform in Santa Tereza do Oeste, PR, as an innovative and sustainable strategy to generate income, enhance food security, and preserve the environment in small areas. Set against a backdrop of environmental crisis and economic challenges for family farmers, SAFs were established with the cultivation of native and fruit species, aiming for diversification and integration with local markets, including school meals. The "Cantinho Nosso Lar" project, developed over an area of approximately 1 hectare, includes crops such as bananas, lemons, and service trees (e.g., eucalyptus) that enrich the soil and facilitate the growth of other species. In addition, the inclusion of a mobile chicken coop intensifies natural pest control and soil fertilization, benefiting productivity and sustainability. The experience underscores the importance of community organization and support from public incentive programs and cooperatives, highlighting the relevance of investments in infrastructure and capacity building to maximize production and promote the permanence of families in rural areas. This work presents evidence that well-structured SAFs can transform the rural landscape, strengthening the socioeconomic and environmental resilience of small farmers.





AGROECOL - Desenvolvimento territorial em bases agroecológicas