The Feasibility of Credit for Agroforestry Farmers via Pronaf: What is the Role of Emater-Ascar Technicians in the Southern Half of Rio Grande do Sul?


  • Adalice Andrade Kosby Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Marília Lazarotto Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Mário Duarte Canever


Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, Family Farming


This study aims to analyze the role of EMATER-ASCAR/RS technicians in the viability of access to rural credit, via the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), by agroforestry farmers in the Southern Zone of Rio Grande do Sul. The methodology adopted involved semi-structured interviews with technicians from Emater-Ascar in the South Zone. A quantitative approach was used, applied using a questionnaire with closed structured questions on google forms. The results indicate that, although there is basic knowledge about the existence of these lines of credit, there is a lack of knowledge of their detailed specifications, little efficiency in publicizing them and a shortage of financial project models adapted for SAFs. These factors make it difficult for producers to access credit, indicating the need for improvements in technical training and the creation of financial support tools.





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