Analysis of the management of the agroecossystem farming of cutting and burning in the Extractive Reserve Chapada Limpa, Chapadinha-MA


  • AZEVEDO, James Ribeiro UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • SILVA, Mauricio Marcon Rebelo ICMBio - Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
  • SOUSA, Vanessa dos Santos UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • SOUSA, Wanessa Rafaelly UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão


agroecology, family farmers, agroextrativist


Agroecosystems should be designed and managed to develop sustainable production systems.
The objective of this work was to analyze the management of the agroecossystem of
cutting and burning in the Chapada Limpa Extractive Reserve, Chapadinha-MA, based on the
principles of Agroecology. The research was conducted through semi-structured interviews
with 36 families and participant observation. The management of the field was analyzed considering
the ecological knowledge of the agroextractivists and the technical itineraries. The
results showed that the management performed attends to the agroecological principles of the
farmer’s autonomy in the decision processes, the resilience, the absence of dependence on
external inputs, the crop diversification and the rotation of areas, but its support base is affected
due to Damage caused by the use of fire. It was concluded that is needed an education
work on the construction of agroecological knowledge in the adoption of technological innovations
to replace the use of fire and fixation of plots.

