No-Tillage Vegetable System (NTVS) as an agroecological transition tool


  • LIMA, Andria Paula Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
  • ZANELLA, Marcelo Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina (EPAGRI)
  • FAYAD, Jamil Abdala autônomo
  • LOVATO, Paulo Emilio UFSC
  • COMIN, Jucinei José UFSC


agroecological transition, participatory research, collective work


This work reports the construction of the No-Tillage Vegetable Production System (NTVPS),
which arose from organizational processes in the Planalto Catarinense region, in a scenario
of socioeconomic and environmental crises at local and global levels. We briefly present two
contrasting experiences carried out by our group. The first one, in the Itajaí Valley, had great
success but was interrupted, and is currently under a rebuilding process. The other experience,
in Florianópolis Metropolitan Region, has involved an increasing number of farmers producing
different vegetable species. We also demonstrate how, in the context of agroecological
transition systems, our activities with farmers have a feedback with teaching, research and
extension activities developed by the Nucleus of Education, Research and Extension in Agroecology
(NEPEA-SC), at the Federal University Of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

