Ethnopedology: evaluation of soil quality from the ground of family farmers on rural properties in the mato-grossense Amazon
Agroecology, Agroecosystem, EthnoknowledgeAbstract
Ethnopedology is a means of constructing and interacting empirical and scientific knowledge
in a system of farmers’ participation in the soil quality assessment process. The objective is to
construct a proposal for the evaluation of soil quality. A semi-structured interview was used.
The indicators were assigned grades ranging from 1 to 10. The better the condition of the
indicator, the higher the grade. Radar-type graphics were used to visualize the results. The
evaluation of these indicators showed good status in soil quality. Therefore, to identify soil quality
indicators, it becomes an important action for the construction of a viable system to be put
into practice in the rural environment.
CBA - Construção do Conhecimento Agroecológico