The exercise of environmental citizenship from an agroecological living mode


  • KONRAD, Ana Christina Centro Universitário UNIVATES
  • TURATTI, Luciana Centro Universitário UNIVATES
  • MEJIA, Margarita R. G. Centro Universitário UNIVATES


Environmental Practices, Environmental Citizen, Organic agriculture, Parameters


The presence of a wide range of socio-environmental conflicts makes it relevant and justifiable
to form a new subject that has, in its origin, a citizen capable of understanding its role in society
and who, supported by ethical principles and the idea of otherness, responsibilities to others.
This subject is called environmental citizen. The objective of this research is to identify if and
to what extent the way of life used in agroecology approaches the theoretical assumptions that
shape the concept of environmental citizenship, in order to present parameters / assumptions
that contribute to the formation of environmental citizens. Having as main method the qualitative,
initially the concepts related to the proposed theme were deepened, aiming to construct
a solid theoretical framework capable of sustaining the field analyzes and fomenting the construction
of the results. Also, field research was started aiming investigate the environmental
practices of a group of farmers who grow organic products, as well as their relationship with
nature and other members of the community, in order to identify if the way of life by These
assumed contribute to the formation of an environmental citizen. In order to achieve these objectives,
interviews were started with selected farmers essentially containing open questions.
Interview responses will be evaluated through content analysis. At the end, it is intended to present
parameters/assumptions that may contribute to the formation of the environmental citizen.

