Building agro-ecological knowledge: an expanse unique activity. experience of the Agro-ecological Organic Production (SAPO) System in the PA João Batista II, on the municipality Castanhal - Pará


  • CRUZ, Beatriz da Luz NEA Ajuri
  • SILVA, Luis Mauro Santos PDTSA/UNIFESSPA; do NCADR/UFPA e membro do NEA AJURI
  • ASSIS, William Santos de Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agriculturas Amazônicas PPGAA/NCADR/UFPA/NEA AJURI
  • PANTOJA, Gisiane Ferreira Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia/NEA AJURI
  • SILVEIRA, Gilvando Souza Universidade Federal do Pará/NEA AJURI
  • RODRIGUES, Clarissa Miranda RNEA


Agro-ecological Transition, Peasant Organization, Sustainability


The System of the Agro-ecological Organic Production (SAPO) is an experience elaborated
in an organized and collective way. The construction (of the experience) is an alternative confront
against the agro-industrial hegemonic model, agrar or even social way. The SAPO bet
in a peculiar Agro-ecological transition on amazon spaces domined by the extensive livestock
farming projects, as a unique activity. The family response for this experience would reverse
a degrading and aggressive process of pasture monoculture to Agro-forestalls Systems. The
SAPO experience reached a valor considered interesting for its global sustainability (Note 7,0:
10,00). The next step will be a planning to think on alternatives for the fail of water on the land

