Contributions to the understanding of sustainability in fruit production


  • FLORES, Liliana Beatriz Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • DUSSI, María Claudia Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • GIMÉNEZ, Gustavo Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Agroecology, Indicators, Multidimensional analysis


Sustainable agriculture maintain over time socioeconomic, cultural and food needs of the
population within the biophysical limits that establishes the correct functioning of the natural
systems or agroecosystems that support it. The cross-cutting and multidimensional nature of
agroecology makes it possible to overcome the fragmentation and segmentation of knowledge;
demands participatory processes in the community contributing to establish holistic training.
The objective of the present work was to intervene different agroecosystems of the territory as
a strategy of propositive work among the diverse actors increasing the dialogue of knowledge.
A conventional fruit production unit (UPC) was compared with an organic one (UPO) to contribute
to the understanding of sustainability and the design and planning of agroecosystems. In
the analysis of the ecological, economic and social dimensions indicators were formulated in a
participatory manner with the actors of the system examining the critical points.

