Agroecology and sustainable development in the sertão paraibano: view of farmers in an educational environment


  • SILVA, Lucas Jonatan Rodrigues IFPB/Campus Princesa Isabel
  • SANTOS, Adenilda Guilherme IFPB/Campus Princesa Isabel
  • CAMPOS, Vinícius Batista IFAP/Campus Laranjal do Jari – IFPB/Campus Princesa Isabel
  • CAMPOS, Karoline Fernandes Siqueira IFAP/Campus Laranjal do Jari – IFPB/Campus Princesa Isabel


Sustainability in agriculture, education, organic agriculture


The present study aimed to address questions about organic and traditional agriculture by the
family farmers educated in the initial and continuing training course (FIC) in family agriculture offered
by the IFPB - Campus Princesa Isabel. Agriculture in the Serra do Teixeira region is mostly
in the conventional way, justifying an educational intervention for paradigm shifts. A course proposal
was set up to meet a yearning sought at a meeting of the council of rural communities in
the Princesa Isabel – PB County. However, it was necessary, at the entrance of the students, to
diagnose the level of knowledge and the existence of agroecological practices and sustainable
development in the properties. The need for theoretical discussion and the importance of agro-
-ecological practices in the properties, from the sustainable development, in order to increase
the income of the family and to contribute with the environment was concluded.

