Alternative control of the fungus Curvularia with the use of alcoholic extracts


  • MEDEIROS, Tainara Rafaely de Unemat
  • DAVID, Grace Queiroz Unemat
  • PERES, Walmor Moya Unemat
  • SILVA, Ana Paula Rodrigues da Unemat
  • SORATO, Adriana Matheus da Costa Unemat
  • PAIVA, Giseudo Unemat


Control, Phytopathogens, Sustainability


Alternative controtechniques have been developed in an attempt to minimize the use of chemicals
and the impacts caused by excessive use of the substances. Therefore, the objective of
this work was to analyze the growth inhibitory efficiency of the Curvularia sp when exposed to
alcoholic extracts. The experiment consisted of 5 treatments, consisting of extracts of Green
Propolis (T1), Red Propolis (T2), Flor de São João (T3), Cereal (T4) and Witness (T5) and 5
replicates. The mycelial growth was analyzed through analysis of variance and later, variable
and submitted to the Tukey test at 5% of significance. It was observed that the application of
the alcoholic propolis green extract (T1) resulted in a smaller diameter, indicating that it is the
most effective in inhibiting mycelial growth when compared to other treatments. , It is possible
to conclude that the alcoholic extract of green propolis may be an alternative for the control of
the fungus Curvularia sp.

