Integrated system of agroecological production for organic milk production in Resende – RJ
agroecology, organic agriculture, dairy cattleAbstract
The project proposes the construction of an Integrated Agroecological Production System -
IAPS, in a property in Resende, south of state of Rio de Janeiro. The system integrates crop
production: maize crop, rotational system of pastures of brachiaria grass, leucena and moringa
plants under shading, organic fertilization of pastures with waste from leftovers and application
of biofertilizer, with the dairy cattle animal production In accordance with the conversion
standards for organic production. The animals are raised on pasture, receive daily doses of
salt with homeopathic principles, as well as herbal products to combat the main diseases and
concentrate on supplementation. The system was based on a cycling of nutrients, expansion
of environmental interactions and promotion of biological diversity. The initial results show an
increasing biological activity with an increase of the fertility of the soils and improvements in
the indices related to the management of the animals.