Alellopaty effect of Chloroleucon tortum on Lactuca sativa and Bidens pilosa


  • NAVAS, Rafael Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)
  • MONTEIRO, Renata FATEC Capão Bonito
  • PEREIRA, Maria Renata Rocha FATEC Capão Bonito


allelopathy, weeds, tataré tree, MimosoideaE


Allelopathy is the inhibitory or beneficial effect, direct or indirect, of a plant about another
by half of chemical compounds production released into the environment. The objective of
this work was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of the Chloroleucon tortum on the length of
seedlings and rootlets of Lactuca sativa and Bidens pilosa. Aqueous green leaf extract of C.
tortum was used at concentrations of 100%, 50%, 25% and control. Seeds of L. sativa and
Bidens pilosa were distributed on germitest paper with 4 replicates, with 40 seeds each, performing
the length of seedlings and rootlets evaluations at 14 days after sowing. The design
was completely randomized and the values submitted to analysis of variance by the F test and
regression analysis. With the increase in the concentration of the extract, there was reduction
length of rootlets for Lactuca sativa and Bidens pilosa, not having significant differences for
length of seedlings.

