Analysis of family agriculture in the community of Ceará Mirim / MA
production systems, biodiversity, agroecologyAbstract
Characterizing the main cropping systems of a given community is important so that one can
understand and deepen the dynamics of the development of the farmers’ production system.
The present research aimed to characterize the plant and animal production systems of the family
farmers of the Carará Mirim Community, Cândido Mendes / MA Municipality and agroecology
contributions. At the first moment a bibliographical review and local visits to the community
were made. In the second phase, field research was carried out through the collection of data
through semi-structured questionnaires addressed to farmers, reaching a universe of 41 subjects
surveyed. The level of adoption of agroecological management by farmers in Carará Mirim
is very low. Personal and cultural characteristics of farmers and lack of public policies and technical
assistance are factors linked to this low adherence. Increasing the integrated diversification
of food production systems, improving existing systems and implementing other strategies
that can improve the livelihood conditions of community households has much to contribute to
increased production and productivity without harming the environment environment.