The use of participatory tools: telling stories, revealing knowledge, planting dreams
Participatory Methodology, Quilombola Community, OccupationsAbstract
The report aims to analyze and reflect about the use of participatory methodologies in the
Quilombola Community Júlio Borges, localized in the Salto do Jacuí - RS, especially the tool of
Participative Rural Diagnosis (DRP), the “spoken map”, that made possible to discuss aspects
of reality in a broadly way. For this, we use bibliographical research, field visit and integrative
activity with quilombola families. We made three spoken maps with focus on the occupations
of the families: 1) referring to the past with the older families, 2) to the present with families of
different ages, 3) referring to the future of the youth of the community. We observed how to use
of the tool allows a drawing of reality made by the hands of the own families and how it is able
to reveal components of the reality of the community.