Profile and knowledge degree about organic production of consumers of the Feirão of Rural Producer in Manaus - Amazonas
Conventional fair, Agroecological transition, Organic market, ConsumersAbstract
The fair is an important public space for the commercialization of family farming products. In
Manaus, several fairs supply the domestic market, and the Feirão of Rural Producer, in the
Northern Zone of th city, is one of the most relevant fair in the commercialization of regional
products. In order to describe the attendant of this fair and to understand their knowledge
about organic products, a questionnaire was applied with them during August and September
of 2016. Thus, a large part of the people interviewed are between 21 and 50 years old, 37.4%
finished high school, 82% have incomes below five minimum wages and 64.2% attend the fair
once a week. 52.7% said they consume organic products of this fair despite the absence of
organic producers registered in the Ministry of Agriculture. In this way, we recommend a campaign
in the fairs of the city regarding the recognition of organic products and market studies
to adapt the sale of these to the economic reality of this public.