Composting - transforming organic matter into fertilizer


  • IWERSEN, Juliano Carra Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • PINHEIRO, Sarita S. Campos Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • PERIN, Liamara Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • SANTOS, Jesus Dayane de Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • DALMORA, Eliane Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • GUSMÃO FILHO, José Dantas Instituto Federal de Sergipe


sustainability, agroecology, environmental education, compound


The organic composting process is a low-cost option with significant benefits for society and
the environment. This work lasted 10 months. Questionnaire was applied to averigue the participants’
knowledge about the environmental perception regarding the disposal and use of
organic waste. Two small piles of compost were prepared. The materials used for the compost
were cattle and sheep manure, vegetable remains from the cleaning of the gardens and the
plant production of the Campus, and peels of vegetables and leaves of vegetables brought
from student residences. The final product of the composting was undergone analysis, the
physical and chemical characteristics of the compounds were suitable for use in the production
process. The work presented a relevant contribution to inform the importance of the correct separation
of the residues and their recycling, promoting the inestimable value of the commitment
with the preservation of the environment.

