Identification of the main fruit species in 10 linear parks in the city of São Paulo.


  • BIAGOLINI, Carlos Humberto Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” UNESP – Campus Sorocaba
  • LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” UNESP – Campus Sorocaba


Taxonomy, Arborization, Landscaping


Linear parks are structured areas along the banks of streams and rivers that have the important
purpose of revitalizing degraded areas, preserving floodplain areas responsible for
the absorption of rainwater, and creating leisure and socialization spaces. In the process of
afforestation of these spaces, different tree species are used, some with ornamental purposes
and other fruit trees with the objective of allowing the feeding of the avifauna present in these
spaces. Through fruit and the shelter provided by the trees of the linear parks the urban avifauna
establishes and exert the important role of control of urban pests and vectors. The study
was carried out in the Aricanduva, Canivete, Fire, Gamelinha, Ipiranguinha, Itaim, Parelheiros,
Sapé and Tiquatira linear parks distributed in the East, West, North and South regions of the
city where 141 species were identified, of which 35 were considered fruit trees; An important
fact at least as far as the feeding of birds is concerned.

