Comparison of edaphic parameters between gallery forest areas undergoing recovery through agroforestry and fallow systems in DF


  • LEITE, Thiago Vinícius Pereira Faculdades ICESP/PROMOVE de Brasília
  • MARTINS, Rosana de Carvalho Cristo Universidade de Brasília


agroflorestas, solos hidromórficos, agricultura sintrópica


The restoration of a gallery forest is a complex task, since they are protected by law, called
permanent preservation areas (APP). Its use, occupation and recovery are therefore restricted
and controlled. As of 2011, Brazilian legislation allows, in some cases, agroforestry systems to
be used to recover APPs. The objective of this work was to verify if the chemical and physical
parameters of the soil of a section of the Gallery Forest in recovery through SAF, presents
different results in relation to another section in recovery by Natural Regeneration. The SAF
presented better results for the contents of P, Ca, Na, H + Al and Organic Matter in the soil. On
the other hand, the fallow area was highlighted in the Ca contents, in the sum and base saturation
and in the cation exchange capacity of the soil. The increase in the availability of P and
the increase of organic matter in the soil in the areas of SAFs prove the benefits of this type of
system in the recovery of the studied areas.

