Implantation of sustainable production systems in the Umari River Community, near Parna Mapinguari
Conservation Unit, Sustainable Production, AgroforestryAbstract
The objective of this work is to present an overview of the management actions of PARNA
MAPINGUARI on the creation and promotion of sustainable productive alternatives for the
community of the Umari River, based on the implementation of Agroforestry Systems (SAFs).
In this community, the main sustenance comes from Brazil nut extraction within the PARNA,
being known as chestnut collector. So far, the chestnut collector have participated in exchanges
of experiences and exchanges with agroforestry and workshops on agroecological practices.
SAF arrangements were elaborated for each property according to species demand, later the
demonstration units (UDs) were implemented with pit opening, liming, planting and replanting
activities. The monitoring of SAFs will be carried out in conjunction with the next activities, just
after the end of the rainy season in the region due to the difficulty of access and the return of
the residents of the chestnut harvest.