Incidence of Phytoplasmas in unconventional food plants in Brazil


  • SOUZA, Ariane do Carmo PPGADR (CCA/UFSCar)
  • AMARAL MELLO, Ana Paula de Oliveira Departamento de desenvolvimento Rural (CCA/UFSCar)


Mollicutes, unconventional food plants, phytopathology, agroecological transition


Phytoplasmas are prokaryotes without cell walls, members of the class Mollicutes, inhabitants
of the plant phloem and transmitted by insect vectors and grafting. Several plant species are
affected by this phytopathogen causing damage to the producers, mainly because they are
little known by the rural assistance agents. Among the species affected are unconventional
food plants (PANCs) that are plants that have been marginalized because they are easily produced,
naturally occurring in the fields and that most of the population does not use for lack of
custom or knowledge, but can be consumed . The objective of this work was to characterize
the incidence of phytoplasmas in PANCs, through a review of the literature available over 50
years of reports of the incidence of this phytopathogen in Brazil, as well as to propose adequate
management of the disease, especially in the agroecological transition systems managed by
To minimize the problems caused by these phytopathogens.

