Refunctionalization of spaces through agroforestry system: one case study starting in urban agroforestry in university city campus of UFRJ, Fundão island


  • MACIEL, Rodrigo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Space, Agroforest, Function, agriculture, urba


Inside the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Ilha do Fundão, there are several groups, spaces
and agroecological initiatives. These spaces, besides being intended for the dissemination
of permaculture ideals and the proximity between the man and his food, are appropriate to
other functions that are attached to this space. The main purpose of this work is to explain how
these groups appropriate these spaces, what types of use are associated and what motivated
the choice of agroforestry. The object chosen for the study was GEOMATA and LaVAPer
between the period of January 2017 and April 2017. During the work, interviewed was conducted
members of the agroecological projects and visitants. The diversity of the individuals
appropriating these spaces is distinct showing how the exposure, visibility and accessibility
are important elements in the production of a space. In elucidating the existing relationships in
these agroforestry systems, we bring to light the breadth of meanings that the practice of urban
agriculture can bring to the environment, going far beyond the established primary functions.

