Arthropods of soil fauna in cassava cultivation and pasture in the eastern Amazon


  • GUIMARÃES, Eguinaldo dos Santos Associação Floresta Protegida
  • RODRIGUES, Diego de Macedo Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará
  • FERREIRA, Luziel Oliveira Instituto de Desenvolvimento Florestal e da Biodiversidade do Estado do Pará
  • SILVA, Neilson Rocha da Instituto Federal do Ceará


Agroecosystems, family farming, Simpson’s diversity index


Crop cassava and pasture are very common and important in the Amazon, and these constantly
ecological interaction with arthropods. The objective of this study was to evaluate the community
of soil fauna arthropods in cassava and pasture crops in family farming property in the eastern
Amazon. Sampling was carried out with four traps like trap door at ground level with three
replicates in the dry season and three in the rainy season, the agricultural cycle 2012/2013. We
collected 17,134 individuals belonging to 12 orders, 39 families and 193 morphospecies. The
order with the highest number of families was Coleoptera (35.9%) and the most abundant was
the Hymenoptera (61.6%). The cassava agroecosystem presented greater dominance, species
richness and greater abundance, and the pasture showed higher diversity. Therefore, it is concluded
that both areas showed a community of ecologically balanced arthropods.

