The influence of family income sources on the management of homegardens in Pau-rosa’s Extension, Central Amazonia


  • MACHADO, Danilo de Oliveira Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas - IFAM
  • SOUZA, Luiz Augusto Gomes de Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA
  • LOPES, Manoel Cursino Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA


area, diversity, market orientation, Self-consumption


Homegardens are a system of high diversity of plant species, which provide food for family
consumption and generate income through commercialization. However, the area of cultivation
and management of agrobiodiversity can be influenced according to the destination of the
production and sources of income of the farmers. The aim of this work was to analyze the influence
of family income sources on the area and the management of homegardens, essential
crops in agroecological bases in Amazon’s agrosystems. It was analyzed the area, the source
of income of the maintainers and dedication to the management of 20 quintals agroforestry in
the rural area of Manaus. The yards have an average of 1.5 ha and occupy 5.55% of the total
area of the properties. The largest were registered in properties whose main horticulture or
complementary as some external professional occupation.

