Agroecological control of pests in a transition system for organic production in the Território Sertão Produtivo


  • SANTOS, Rafael Felipe dos IF Baiano Campus Guanambi
  • CARDOSO, Suane IF Baiano Campus Guanambi
  • BEBÉ, Felizarda IF Baiano Campus Guanambi
  • DONATO JÚNIOR, Enok IF Baiano Campus Guanambi


Extracts, Pests, sustainability


The process of transition from a conventional production to an organic production is a period
that requires knowledge and techniques according to the Normative Instruction of the Ministry
of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) number 46. The Nucleus of Studies in Agroecology
and Organic Production of Territory Sertão Produtivo - NEAPO, among its objectives, has the
function of supporting, stimulating and training the farmers of the municipalities of Guanambi,
Caetité, Candiba and Urandi, BA. The Gameleira site located in the city of Candiba - BA is in the
process of transition, and one of NEAPO ‘s actions was to guarantee an alternative and efficient
pest control method, first ensuring the balanced nutrition of the plant and later applying plant extracts
to combat the pests. Insects and avoid economic damage to production. The pepper extract
was efficient to some extent, being replaced by neem extract and smoke, when the infestation
reached more serious levels. Finally, the methods applied at the site ensure an efficiency in
the control mainly of aphid, whitefly and caterpillars. This success is being socialized with other
farmers in the rural communities of the municipalities and more and more NEAPO finds space
to carry out work to support farmers who seek to produce in a more sustainable way.

