Exchanges between farmers of the Cerrado baiano and ecological experience of the Sítio Semente-DF as SEMA-BA’s strategy to encourage the restoration of degraded areas


  • LIMA, Camila Silva de Secretaria de Meio Ambiente da Bahia
  • TRINDADE, Jamile Patrícia Barbosa Secretaria de Meio Ambiente da Bahia
  • CANÁRIO, Silvana Neuza Pereira Secretaria de Meio Ambiente da Bahia
  • CUNHA, Igor Perez Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Devry


Family farming, Agroforestry systems, Public Policies


The present article aims to present the experience of three Training Workshops on Succession
Agroforestry Systems held at the Seminary Seed in Brasília, in the period from April to April
2017, with training of 100 family farmers from the west of Bahia, as an integral part of the Closed
Program Bahia, accompanied by the Secretary of Environment of the State of Bahia. This
exchange gave farmers an experience where it was possible to observe good results in the
use of the principles of the synoptic agriculture in the Cerrado biome. The aim was to enable
participants to observe, discuss and analyze the technological, economic, social and environmental
issues of Agroforestry Systems. This type of proposal should be considered as an
achievement strategy to demonstrate to family farmers other possibilities of generating income
and restoring degraded areas of their properties.

