Tropical forests, resilience and adaptation

prognostics and tools that allow the analysis of environmental impacts


  • Jeniffer Narcisa de Oliveira UCDB - Universidade Católica Dom Bosco
  • Lorene Tiburtino-Silva UCDB - Universidade Católica Dom Bosco
  • Juliane Gonçalves da Silva UCDB - Universidade Católica Dom Bosco
  • Beatriz dos Santos Machado UCDB - Universidade Católica Dom Bosco
  • Josemar de Campos Maciel UCDB - Universidade Católica Dom Bosco


conservação florestal, vulnerabilidade, impactos ambientais


The purpose of the text is to contribute to the systematization of information on the preservation of forest areas. In order to reach the objective, articles were analyzed from a scan of five databases: Google Academic, Capes Portal, Scielo, Science Direct, Scorpus- Document Search and Web of Science, oriented by specific keywords. Within the theme of forest preservation, we chose to list three discussion criteria: I) Tropical forests, resilience and adaptation, II) prognosis and tools that allow the analysis of environmental impacts and III) alternatives to minimize the impact on forests. The maintenance of forests and ecosystems is essential to ensure life on Earth. It is necessary to elaborate strategic forms of management and to build for a planned adaptation. In order to maintain genetic diversity, and communities. Such diversity could, for example, effectively curb and mitigate global carbon emissions. Adapting to climate change (and mitigate its effects) requires the adoption of the "precautionary principle" and the maintenance of forests, including intraspecific diversity, within the knowledge of forest management.

