Ethnobiology and Agroecology in Mexico and Brazil

Transdisciplinary Interactions


  • Wagner Gervazio unicamp
  • Sonia Maria Pessoa Pereira Bergamasco
  • Ana Isabel Moreno-Calles


Knowledge and traditional peoples; Dialogue of knowledge; Ethnoagronomy; Ethnoagroforestry; Epistemology


Brazil and Mexico are countries where biological and cultural diversities converge, giving rise to a relevant biocultural richness. The objective of this work is to analyze the transdisciplinary interactions between Ethnobiology and Agroecology in Brazil and Mexico. For this, the topics of the XI Mexican Congress of Ethnobiology and of the XI Brazilian Symposium of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology were analyzed. The main common themes of the two events were agrobiodiversity, agroecology and family gardens. Particularly in Mexico, transdisciplinary interactions are more strongly related to agroforestry systems and in Brazil to agroecology. Ethnobiology is related to agroecology, maintains the dialogue of knowledge and transdisciplinary knowledge of traditional Mexican and Brazilian peoples and co-evolves in the construction of sustainable agriculture that respects biocultural diversity and Mother Earth.





AGROECOL - Construção de Conhecimentos Agroecológicos