Development of Commercialization Mechanisms as Way of Peasant Resistance and Autonomy


  • Simone Maria Leme Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados


Peasantry, Mechanisms of Commercialization, Strategies of Resistance, Peasant Autonomy.


Considering the importance of the maintenance of the peasantry in the field, this study proposes to discuss the development of commercialization mechanisms as way of peasant resistance and autonomy, thus enabling the strengthening of the peasantry's resource base, being a condition indispensable to the quality of life and the maintenance of the population in the field. The peasant agriculture (agroecological agriculture) is a way of producing that contributes significantly to the construction of an alternative perspective to rural development, which is very different of the model proposing by agrobusiness (conventional agriculture), with intense use of pesticides that  destroy the biodiversity. Thus, noteworthy the importance of the maintenance and multiplication of peasant communities, in view of the productive diversity, taking as base the sustainability patterns, consequently promoting the social, economic and environmental development in its locality. For the development of this analysis a theoretical discussion about the fundamental characteristics of the peasant condition and the development of commercialization mechanism as strategies of resistance and autonomy of the peasantry, facing the capitalist relations of production. It is understood that the development of different mechanisms in the commercialization of the peasantry products, with valorization of the local business relations, allow the approximation of the rural and urban population, and favor the interaction between these different social groups. Furthermore, it creates conditions for the strengthening of the autonomy and the peasant permanence, thus contradicting the homogenizing trends of the rural space, which insists in the speech of the expropriation and proletarianization of the peasantry.





AGROECOL - Redes de Comercialização de Produtos Agroecológicos e Economia Solid