Alimentation Habits Of 5th And 6th Years Of A Municipal School In The Rural Community Of Segredinho, Municipality Of Capanema, Northeast Paraense.


  • Rafael Rabelo Ferreira UFRA
  • Nayara Sousa da Silva
  • Ises Vanderlene Inácio de Souza
  • Luiz Cláudio Moreira Melo Junior


Alimentation, Anthropology, Alimentation Culture, Sociocultural Identity


The objective of this study was to characterize the cultural behavior of children in the rural community of Segredinho, located in the village of Tauari, northeast of Para, in order to obtain information about community social reality, focusing on the eating habits of children in a school rural - being the only one of the community - seeking the valorization of cultural practices under the light of anthropological perspectives. Justifying itself to be important for the need to identify and understand the anthropological social dynamics of rural communities with indigenous roots of the northern region of Brazil, in order to recognize what is called the food culture of the peoples, as well as the reflection of this in the socio-cultural identity. For that, semistructured questionnaires were used as the main methodological tool, developed and applied in a didactic way for children of the fifth and sixth year of the Municipal School of Primary and Secondary School Teaching Maria da Silva Corrêa, making possible the organization of the obtained data by these, from the perspective of the socio-cultural reality existing in the community of Segredinho, resulting in observations regarding the foods of greater and lesser preference in relation to the flavor, besides, it was possible to classify the consumption of certain foods according to the frequency, besides identify which foods are consumed that do not please the palate.

