Importance of Creole Seeds Houses for Family Agriculture in the Municipality of Crato, CE


  • Charle Costa dos Santos UFRRJ
  • Barbara Leandro Monteiro UFRRJ


Cultural heritage, Family farming, Food security


Family farming is of fundamental importance for the preservation of the environment and maintenance of biodiversity, besides providing and favoring the millenarian techniques of agriculture, it contributes to the exchange of knowledges. In this sense, this work aimed to highlight the importance of Creole seed houses, in particular the house "Lord of the Armies", located in the municipality of Crato - CE, with a collection of approximately 50 varieties of species in its 20 years of existence, ensuring the socio-cultural development, promoting the guarantee of healthy food in a permanent way for the population linked to the strengthening of Agroecology in the region. However, some difficulties are faced in relation to its maintenance, because although it is configured as a local reference, it still lacks substantial incentives for its continuity. Given that this means of disseminating knowledge provides community development, strengthens food and nutritional security, preserves local cultural heritage, multiplies knowledge, enables farmers to interact and decentralizes seed distribution.





AGROECOL - Sementes e Propágulos de Base Agroecológica