Broccoli Seedlings Under the Influence of four Recipients and Three Substrates


  • Ivo de Sá MOTTA Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste
  • Eder COMUNELLO Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste
  • Lucas da Silva SOUZA Unigran - Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados
  • Milton Parron PADOVAN
  • Poliana Oliveira MARTINS Unigran - Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados


Nursery, Brassica oleracea var. italica, Composting.


The objective of this study was to compare the performance of four types of trays and three substrates in the production of head broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica) seedlings of Avenger ® cultivar. This work was developed in the experimental area of ​​Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, municipality of Dourados-MS, in a greenhouse using broccoli-coated seeds. The treatments consisted of four types of trays: Styrofoam with 128 cells of 32 mL, polypropylene with 162 cells of 31 mL, 47 mL and 50 mL; and three substrates: alternative substrate (modified), developed by Embrapa Agrobiology; Carolina® organic and Carolina® conventional. The performance of the different containers and substrates was compared by evaluating the biometric characteristics of broccoli seedlings: plant height, collection diameter, leaf area, total dry mass. The results indicated that the plastic trays of 162 cells with 47 and 50 mL obtained superior performance, and those with 162 cells / 31 mL and styrofoam with 128 cells / 32 mL lower. These results confirm the tendencies that cells with larger volumes give greater development of the seedlings. In the case of the evaluated substrates, the conventional Carolina® and the alternative (organic) substratum developed by Embrapa Agrobiology were the best results, and with a lower performance Carolina® organic. The results indicate the viability of the substrate production by farmers. It was also verified that the Carolina® organic substrate needs mineral complementation to obtain a satisfactory development of the seedlings.

Author Biographies

Eder COMUNELLO, Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste

Pesquisador A da Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste

Lucas da Silva SOUZA, Unigran - Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados

Estudante de Agronomia - Bolsista PIBIC

Milton Parron PADOVAN

Pesquisador A da Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste

Poliana Oliveira MARTINS, Unigran - Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados

Estudante de Agronomia, bolsista PIBIC





AGROECOL - Manejo de Agroecossistemas Sustentáveis