Profile and Customer Perceptions of the CPAN / UFMS Agro-ecological Transition Fair, 2017


  • Aguinaldo RODRIGUES
  • Edgar Aparecido da COSTA
  • Antônia Márcia Rodrigues SOUSA
  • William Marcos da SILVA
  • Alberto FEIDEN


Peasant agriculture, Agroecology, Short marketing circuit.


The aim of this work is to describe and analyze the profile and the perception of the customers of the products of the fair agroecological transition of the   Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, campus Pantanal, in the year 2017. The methodological procedure adopted was the survey, using the technique of the interview, from a semi-structured script. A total of 86 customers were interviewed between August and September 2017. Customers are mostly female, 25 to 44 years old, with a higher education level and receive from one to seven minimum salary. The visual aspects, the fact of being fresh products and the possibility of the absence of agrochemicals in the productive stage were the main motivators of purchase contained in the perception of the interviewees about the fair.





AGROECOL - Redes de Comercialização de Produtos Agroecológicos e Economia Solid