IVth Practical Course of Agroflorestal Experience at Assentamento Sepé Tiarajú-SP


  • Lais da SILVA Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Ufscar e Embrapa
  • Igor Duarte Sousa SILVA
  • Lucas Peters Cremasco GONÇALVES
  • Rafaela MINE
  • Joel Leandro de QUEIROGA


settlement, agroforest, agroecology, network, integration


The experiences organized by the Agroecology team of Embrapa Meio Ambiente - Jaguariúna/SP, arose from the demand to promote the creation of networks of interactions, exchanges of experiences and define actions in the field of agroecology among farmers, researchers, university students and partners, besides providing spaces of daily living of these actors with the reality of the farmers of Sepé Tiaraju Settlement.
The objective of this work is to report the experience of the IV Practical Course on Agroforestry Experience, which took place in the week of January 29 to February 4, 2018, at the Sepé Tiaraju Settlement in Serra Azul, SP, since the process of mobilization of farmers and participants, structuring of the activities of the event and distribution of the participants in the families, to the activities during the experience, results and referrals. With very positive results among living people and farmers, we consider, at the end of the experience, the importance of these events in settlements of agrarian reform for the articulation of networks and closer relations in the continuity of the agroecological transition project.





AGROECOL - Construção de Conhecimentos Agroecológicos