Agroecology as a socio-environmental restoration tool


  • SOUZA, Ana Carolina Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, LEV – Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal
  • MASSONI, Paolo de Castro Martins Instituto Permacultura Lab


AFS, Agroforestry, Restoration


The Agrofloresta Coletiva is a project that promotes the ecological restoration and the creates
a more pleasant space to live in society. The project was created by the Collective Bio em Ação
in partnership with the Instituto Permacultura Lab and implemented an Agroforestry System
(AFS) in the Marechal Edgar do Amaral square, where it is free for growing and harvesting.
The Agrofloresta Coletiva project allowed an increase in the urban environmental recovery
built a more diverse environment, favoring the return of the ecological interactions lost due the
high degradation of this ecosystem. The implementation AFS also represented the recovery of
social relationships, since it connects people interested in agroecology, allows the inhabitants
of the area to be envolved in the project, and thereby benefited the life of the community.

