Agroecological Transition in County of Goiás/GO

A study on the productive and socio-environmental aspects in agrarian reform rural settlements


  • Iara Jaime de Pina IFG
  • Carlos de Melo e Silva Neto
  • Fabiana da Silva Andersson
  • César David Rodríguez Pulido
  • Janiel Divino Souza


Agroecosystems; Rural Participatory Diagnosis; Sustainability.


The objective of this work is to characterize the productive and social aspects of the family production units, in the process of agroecological transition, in the agrarian reform settlements of the municipality of Goiás / GO and the surrounding region, considering, therefore, the construction of transition to the farming families. To perform the diagnosis, we used semi-structured interviews, crossing the family production units and surveying the entrances and exits. The validation of the preliminary diagnostic results together with the families occurred from the FOFA matrix. For the construction of the agroecological transition plans, the methodology used based in starting and arrival point in family production unit. The information obtained allowed us to identify that the main productive activity is livestock, present in 72.7% of the units, followed by olericultura (45.4%) and poultry farming (18.1%). Despite the predominance of livestock, in this prevails the conventional and extensive practice. The main agroecological techniques adopted by the families are: use of alternative inputs (90.9% of the evaluated units) and consortium of species (22.7%). It is noteworthy that most of these actions are carried out in the vicinity of the residences, especially gardens and orchards, with the participation of women and young people. The importance of women and young people in the transition process and the challenge of developing livestock systems in the agroecological perspective is highlighted.





AGROECOL - Desenvolvimento Rural e Urbano em Bases Agroecológicas