Seeds storage and craft extraction of andiroba oil
Carapa guianensis, medicinal plant, non-timber forest productsAbstract
This study aimed to store and extract andiroba oil using alternative and low price materials,
based on the traditional methodology of Belém periurban rivers. Four storage environments
were evaluated: control, refrigerator, water and sand, using 90 Seeds for each treatment. Were
evaluated the yield, the mass color and the extracted oil. The oil yield presented a difference
in percentage for all methods, being the sand environment the one with the highest yield and
the natural environment with the lowest yield. Seed masses showed differences in their color,
in which those from the natural environment storage presented a darker color, different from
the result found in the oil, where the darker color was found in the oil of the seeds stored in
the water environment. The andiroba oil and seed mass showed that they are influenced by
the storage environment, evidencing also that the seeds can be stored in sand and water for a
short period, obtaining good results of oil yield.