Control of Cutting Ants (Atta spp.) with Extract of Sweet Potato Leaves (Ipomoea batatas)

A Promising Experience


  • Maria Eugênia Gobbo MERCADANTE
  • Lisiana Crivelenti VOLTOLINI UFSCAR
  • Pamella Mattar MIRA
  • Waldemore MORICONI
  • Luiz Octávio RAMOS-FILHO


Ants, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Vegetable Garden.


Proliferation of cutting ant (Atta spp.) in agro ecosystems is worrying, since it causes a reduction of productivity or even makes agricultural production unfeasible, being a big bottleneck for many farmers. Dueto the lack of more solid data in the literature regarding agroecological control techniques, some practices have been tested in the Agroecological Site of Embrapa Meio Ambiente, located in Jaguariúna (SP). This experiment consists of a set of measures, such as: providing other sources of food for the ants whose attack does not result in economic losses; physical block age of near by scouts, to in habitant lay the work of the ants; and the use of repellent extracts. In this report we present in more detail the control with aqueous extract of sweet potato leaves (Ipomoea batatas), sprayed weekly on the soil in an agro forestry plot and in the scrub leaves near the area. Preliminary results were satisfactory, since the ants stopped visiting the garden as early as the first applications, searching other areas of the environment. Even though it is an incipient study, this experiment indicates that the extract has the potential of repellent for the ants, being an effective technique to minimize the attack, with lower environmental impact and low cost, being a promising alternative for family farmers. It is suggested that further research be carried out to validate this alternative with greater certainty.





AGROECOL - Manejo de Agroecossistemas Sustentáveis