Participative vegetable production planning in Assentamento 72, municipality of Ladário-MS


  • Luízi da Cunha CARBUNCK Núcleo de Estudos de Agroecologia do Pantanal – NEAP - UFMS, Corumbá, MS
  • Érika Luciana Rodrigues BRITES Núcleo de Estudos de Agroecologia do Pantanal – NEAP - UFMS, Corumbá, MS
  • Alberto Feiden Embrapa Pantanal
  • Emmanuel Alexandre Cavasana OLIVEIRA Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul Corumbá, MS,
  • Edgar Aparecido da COSTA Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Corumbá, MS


Agroecology, Public Policies, Organic Agriculture, Family Farming, Direct Selling.


The objective of this work was to plan and establish a schedule according to the agroecological precepts so that the producers in the agroecological transition can carry out the planting in an efficient and safe way, with the purpose of obtaining different varieties of crops at different times, with the purpose to market them at open fairs. An adaptation of the methodology of Participatory Rural Diagnosis of Agroecosystems was used, where the main focus is not the results, but the process of discussion so that the participants internalize the concepts of planning. The results were presented in tables, containing the information on the most important crops for the farmers, showing the appropriate times of sowing and harvesting. From these results it was proposed an adequate management in the production areas.





AGROECOL - Desenvolvimento Rural e Urbano em Bases Agroecológicas