Characterization of Seed Rain in Permanent Preservation Areas in the Municipality of Sidrolândia/MS


  • Milla Dantas OLIVEIRA UFGD
  • Liliane Silva MELLO
  • Zefa Valdivina PEREIRA
  • Julio Cesar Pereira Lobtchenko Pós Graduação em Biologia Geral Bioprospecção, Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e Ambientais, UFGD


Propagation, Dispersion Syndrome, Environmental Restoration.


The rainfall of seeds is the most important component for the maintenance of the reestablishment capacity of the forest, being defined as the arrival of diaspores through the different mechanisms of dispersion, is one of the main indicators of the state of conservation and regeneration of tropical forests. Therefore, the objective of this research was to characterize seed rainfall in three areas along APP in the municipality of Sidrolândia, MS, with A¹ Cerradão, A² Mata de Galeria Ilundável and A³ natural regeneration area. Fifteen collectors were installed in each area with nylon screen of 2mm, 1m ² of area and 50cm of depth. The materials deposited in the collectors were collected monthly, packed in labeled plastic bags and taken to the LABRA (Environmental Restoration Laboratory) of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) from July 2017 to April 2018. Subsequently, the seeds of all diaspores, were counted, separated and identified. A total of 46,417 propagules were sampled in the three areas, being (A¹) the phytophysiognomy with the largest number of individuals (34,965), where Ficus guaranitica Chodat, Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão were the most representative species, in A² (9,351 individuals), Triplaris American L and Ficus insipida Willd, in A³ (2,101 individuals), Citronella gongonha (Mart.) was one of the most abundant. The data of this study show that although the areas have been subjected to anthropic pressures and there is an imbalance in relation to the abundance of some species, the dispersing agents can contribute to the reestablishment of the area, bringing species of the surroundings.





AGROECOL - Sementes e Propágulos de Base Agroecológica