Transição Agroecológica da Mandioca Cultivada na Comunidade do Cará, em Bela Vista de Goiás


  • Vanislene Borges da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás


Economia solidária, rede de intercambio, desenvolvimento local, Saúde


 The present work aimed to provide the agroecological transition in familiar farmers of the Cara Community. They have been producing manioc since the forties in the last century and in recent years soil preparation and herbicide use have provided soil degradation and erosion. The transition proposal was the use of soil cover plants and mechanical management that can increase the sustainability of cassava production systems, besides offering more favorable conditions to the growth and development of the plants, avoiding the use of these pesticides and consequently adding value to the such as agroecological or organic. Workshops on the importance of organic cassava production in Brazil; absence of pesticide residues, traceability, respect for the environment and the promotion of social justice of employed workers, characteristics of the organic product. The project made it possible to re-signify the cooperative's difficulties in alternative productive systems and to work towards the consolidation of more sustainable production systems. The work promoted integration between the universities UFG, Brazil and the Federal Institute of Goiás together with the cooperative of family farmers of the territory of the railroad and contributed to the strengthening of a network of exchanges of experiences and knowledge among the students of the specialization, undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees with the reality of family farming in the Community of Cara in Bela Vista de Goiás.

