Preliminary study of poultry production by farmers of the Bem Estar Group in Assentamento 72 in Ladário/MS


  • Alberto FEIDEN Embrapa Pantanal
  • Raquel Soares JULIANO Embrapa Pantanal, Corumbá, MS, Programa de Pós Graduação em Estudos Fronteiriços UFMS-CPAN, Corumbá MS,
  • Edgar Aparecido da COSTA Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul Corumbá, MS,


Family Farming, Animal Biodiversity, Country Poultry, Country Eggs, Agroecological Poultry Management.


he present work is an exploratory study to support the elaboration of a broader diagnosis on the creation of different bird species in the region of Corumbá and Ladário, aiming to generate information to include them in food security and income generation proposals. Seven women and one man from the Ladário Bem-estar group were interviewed. The results showed that even in this small sample six different types of birds (chickens, guinea-fowls, ducks, turkeys, quails and geese) were found. The main bird created is the chicken, raised by all interviewees for subsistence and by 5 farmers for commercial purposes. Most chickens are considered common breed, but the phenotypic aspects seem to indicate a great genetic variability among the animals. Other types of birds are raised primarily for subsistence, except for one duck and one quail breed for commercial purposes. The preliminary study indicates that these bird breeding has the potential to both guarantee food security and generate income, but more further studies are necessary.


