Experience Report of the 14th Market of Native and Creole Seeds and of Agroecological Products 7th Seminar about Use and Conservation of the Cerrado of the South of Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Ana Caroliny Fernandes UFGD
  • Pâmela Bertucchi Saccomani
  • Valter Vieira Alves Júnior
  • Zefa Valdivina Pereira


Agroecology, Production, Knowledge.


Agricultural diversity is seen as an essential component of sustainable agricultural systems, as one of its principles involves crop diversification. Meeting the needs, the objective of this work is to report the experiences during the 14th Creole and Native Seeds Fair of Juti, Mato Grosso do Sul. The event took place between July 13 and 15, 2018, and thus not unlike the other editions already held of the event, besides the exchanges of creole seeds and experiences. The experience during the 14th Creole Seed Fair has become increasingly important in the struggle of small farmers and indigenous communities to promote the recovery and valorization of good products and without pesticides. The fair today is known by the communities that participate in the event as an important alternative for the production with creole seeds aiming at the defense of a model of agriculture based on the very sustainable use.





AGROECOL - Sementes e Propágulos de Base Agroecológica