Conventional Agriculture vs. Syntropic Farming: a comparative Study Between the Production Practices


  • José Edeval Avila Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
  • Marcos Paulo Bertolini Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Luis Alberto Lima Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Juliana Martins Vaz Federal University of Fronteira Sul
  • Ceyça Lia Palerosi Borges Federal University of Fronteira Sul


Management, Agroecosystems, Green Revolution


The Green Revolution came to farmers as a technological package with the purpose of ending the world hunger. However, it has resulted in the impoverishment of farmers and agroecosystems. The need arises to think of new models, such as syntropic farming, which is an alternative of sustainable production. The study aimed to carry out a comparative case between the syntropical farming and conventional agriculture regarding the management adopted in these systems. Through observation and interview in the production unit in Missal-PR, it was noted that the syntropic farming aims to be self-sufficient on inputs, get higher productivity and lower production cost. The main divergent aspects between the systems are the diversity and the management adopted. In the syntropic farming is recommended the nutrient cycling and the natural regulation, opposed to the curative management adopted in conventional agriculture.

