Relato da produção agroecológica numa comunidade indígena no semiárido de Alagoas: comunidades tradicionais indígenas e formas de cultivo agrícolas


  • Damiana Victória Gusmão Marques dos Santos Centro Universitário Cesmac
  • Mayara Andrade
  • Jessé Pavão
  • Jorge L. G. Vieira
  • Rodney K. Azevedo
  • Selenobaldo A. Santanna


Sustainability; Traditional Communities; Indigenous Karuazu; Family Farming


In the State of Alagoas indigenous traditional communities are significant and occupy different regions of the state and in the semi-arid region these groups survive mainly from family farming. The Pankararu indigenous group is distributed in several ethnic groups in the semi-arid region. In the municipality of Pariconha-AL, this group has two Karuazu and Katokinn ethnicities with a population of 1,749 individuals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the agricultural production methods developed by the Karuazu indigenous community of the Sertão de Alagoas mesoregion in terms of soil management, the region 's climate and the main subsistence crops, and to discuss the importance of agroecological practices.





CBA - Biodiversidade e Bens Comuns dos Agricultores e Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais